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Food Plan For Adventure Racine tweets

Damn Its True!

I am who I am. I’m weird, I’m lame, I run into things, I spill food, I trip, I scream about random & stupid stuff. But, I like it that way.


10 years ago

Jennette McCurdy

It makes me sad that food has calories


10 years ago


Honey badgers have been known to eat porcupines and poisonous snakes, raid beehives, kidnap baby cheetahs and steal food from hungry lions.


10 years ago

Damn Its True!

Things that make me happy: - Lazy weekends. - Best Friends. - Food. - Music. - Free wi-fi. - Concert tickets. - Holiday. - You.


10 years ago

One Tree Hill

Life doesn't always work according to plan and I had to move on. You know, I don't want to miss a second chance. #OTH


10 years ago

Jérémy Tilah

C'est un x² qui court dans la forêt et il ressort seulement en x car il s'est prit une racine MDRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR #BlagueDeS


10 years ago

Saturday Night Live

We're going to be LIVE later than usual tonight! 11:57p to be exact. Plan accordingly! #SNL


10 years ago