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Hotel Santorin Princess tweets

Disney Words

Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide? –Aladdin


11 years ago

Darth Vader

My daughter Princess Leia helped destroy my Empire, but at least she's not making videos of herself twerking.


11 years ago

Amador Rivas

-¿Follamos? +Podrías ser un poco más romántico… -¿Te gustan las estrellas? +Sí. -Pues conozco un hotel que tiene tres.


11 years ago


握手会ありがとうございました!私服は全身VANQUISHコ- ーディネート♡みんなも着てきてくれて嬉しかったよO(*・ω- ・*)O゙ http://t.co/iiaiT9AxTQ


11 years ago

David Kimaiyo

Hotel owners should also take stock of their guests who checked in to establish if any have not returned to their hotels since yesterday. IG


11 years ago

Breaking News

Sudan's President Omar Hassan al-Bashir says he plans to attend UN General Assembly in New York, has booked hotel and flight - @Reuters


11 years ago

Michael Wilbon

In Pittsburgh hotel waiting for Bears-Steelers...watching NFL on regular channels w no Red Zone like watching in the 1970s...Horrible!


11 years ago