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Ole Miss Inn tweets


John Cofield’s ‘Oxford & Ole Miss –– The College Inn & Mistilis Cafe - http://t.co/CS6LetiW http://t.co/j4iSLMEN


11 years ago

Dani Smith

FYI... The University Inn and The Inn at Ole Miss are not the same thing.


11 years ago

Nathan Taylor

Dad sits inn my eno and says, "this is big enough for 2 people or 1 Ole Miss HC queen" #itsajoke #dontgetoffendedanyone


11 years ago

Johnny Pitts

Staying at The Inn at Ole Miss before the Eggbowl... I stand out like a country boy staying at a high end hotel.


11 years ago


Working 12 to 8 at the INN at Ole Miss Today! #Easyyy


11 years ago