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Wer Ist Hannah Isn tweets

Ariana Grande

#3DaysUntilRIGHTTHEREvideo wooooo but the teaser isn't ready yet. I'm sorry, you can throw rocks on me. If I get it tonight I'll post asap.


10 years ago

Fill Werrell

I hate how your born out of nowhere forced to go to school then get a job and work endless hours like this isn't fair I wanted to be a panda


10 years ago


I hate how your born out of nowhere forced to go to school then get a job and work endless hours like this isn't fair I wanted to be a panda


10 years ago

Common White Girl

if october to january isn’t your favorite time of the year you’re wrong


10 years ago

Wise Man Si

Friendship isn't about who came first and who you've known the longest. It's about who came and never left.


10 years ago


#Aries never chase love, affection or attention because they know if it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having.


10 years ago

rap like lil wayne

Got an STD from Hannah Montana... call it Miley Virus


10 years ago